AIDS and other "diseases" also show glutathione deficiencies...
Glutathione deficiency – AIDS patients are characteristically deficient in glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant. Numerous studies over more than a decade have documented this fact (25). Several prominent dissidents, including the Perth Group (26) and physician Heinrich Kremer (27) have based their own hypotheses or treatment protocols in large part around this observation. Although glutathione can be absorbed directly from the food we eat, it is chiefly manufactured intracellularly from amino acids, including glutamine and cysteine (28). What researchers on both sides of the fence almost always fail to point out is that these amino acids are produced in the gut by microflora including various strains of Lactobacillus (29) (30). Obviously, if one suffers from a lack of such intestinal flora, glutathione synthesis will be inhibited because fewer bacteria would be in place to produce its constituent building blocks, glutamine and cysteine. Backing up this point, a team concluded in 1999 that the results of their study “...suggest that the [glutathione] deficiency of HIV infection is due in part to a reduced synthesis rate secondary to a shortage in cysteine availability” (31).