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Re: The # 1 Cause of All Heart Attacks Is Nutritional Deficiency!
  Views: 11,692
Published: 15 y
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Re: The # 1 Cause of All Heart Attacks Is Nutritional Deficiency!

What whole food sources of these nutrients are you recommending? I recently bought some food grade diamataceous earth (mostly silica?), but I have been just letting it sit there. Somehow, it seems like something I just shouldn't eat, lol I don't know that I'd consider it "whole food" anyway.

How about Standard Process? Most of them would contain animal glandular type substances as well as organic plant sources. I have not been using them lately because of CJD, particularly as they do use the organs, not just muscle. However, I was just looking it up in regards to this and it doesn't appear to be contracted that way by humans. It sounds like it can be either genetic or found in tribes that have cannibalistic rituals.

I can't eat Brazil nuts for selenium.What aside from the Hawthorne Berry Syrup, would you recommend?I assume you aren't talking about Magnesium Malate, etc?


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