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Results of First Liver Flush
Luv Your Liver Views: 2,364
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Results of First Liver Flush

I just did the Hulda Clark Liver Flush last night, and wanted to share my results with everyone.

Firstly, I wanted to let you know that I have done a couple of different cleanses in the past (seveal years ago). The first liver cleanse I did was the Schulze cleanse, and I didn't notice anything significant from doing it. I did it twice. The next cleanse I did was Hulda Clark 's, but for some reason, I only got maybe a few dozen very small cholesterol stones out (I didn't follow the protocol close enough I think). But this time, I hit the jackpot!

I ate very low fat food yesterday, just as Hulda says to do, and quit eating at 2pm. Timed the Epsom Salts just right, but instead of going to sleep at that time, I watched a movie with my wife while laying on the couch with my head propped up.

At 2am, I had to go. Epsom Salts cleans me out, so diarrhea started a few hours after taking the first batch of Epsom Salts . The first round of stones came out then. Biggest ones were over a centimeter wide. This batch was a sage green in color.

I made the unfortunate mistake of substituting lemons for grapefruit and ended up throwing up a few minutes later (I think my stomache just couldn't take the acid in the lemons). I threw up quite a bit of the concoction, so I was worried it would really hamper the effects of the cleanse. But to my surprise, I kept on passing stones, and am still passing them now, but getting to the end.

They came out in different batches. I described the first batch above, then the next batch was a super dark green, almost black, and stunk to high heaven! Amazing that I was harboring that in my liver/gallbladder! The next batch after that was a pale gray color. All of these batches had there share of stones over a centimeter long.

All I can say is wow. I must have passed well over 200 total stones. The effects on health that these things have are probably much more than we could possibly know. I am of the opinion that there probably isn't a single person walking around in the civilized world that couldn't use this and get very acceptable benefits from.

I hope this helps anyone who may be skeptical or on the fence, or otherwise just needs the reassurance that the stuff works. If anyone has any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.


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