Just a little plug for Hveragerthi's take on things. Had exact same issue, and on top of that, was trying to alkalize which was making things worse when the alkalizing substance would hit the stomach, further exacerbating the lack of stomach acid. Bitters helped a lot - in fact they saved me and changed my whole stomach acid picture around. If you continue on the path of taking bitters, you should soon notice a change in your digestion. And, subsequently, candida should retreat. There are things I have only recently learned make candida flare up in me (illness, eating stuff I am allergic to, having dental work that would jostle my fillings (getting them out this spring) and when that would happen, I would get tinges of heartburn again. Keeping with the bitters, and adding in a little ACV in water which I took after meals when tinges of HB ocured, made it all pass quite quickly (few days).