Re: I found a walet
I'd like to give you a link to a dream web site
I work in a store, If I found a wallet stuffed inside another item I'd assume it was stolen and hidden there. Without an ID there would be little the store could do to return the wallet to its owner. They may hold it for a certain amount of time, and if no one came forward asking about it, give it back to you. BUT that is reality, this is a dream.
So, a store is a public place. A dress too is an external
item. Something which we cover up with. This one is displayed on a tray, like an offering. You try it on and like it, very feminine.
However, in the pocket there is a masculine item, a wallet.
From the link I gave, a wallet is connected to sharing and
thus, to the heart.
You are reluctant to tell anyone about it, even your daughter. Still you are happy about finding it.
I'm wondering if you are considering sprucing up your appearance in order to attract a man with whom you could share your feelings, and more...
This is just me taking a guess.
You are the dreamer and only one who really knows:)