Questions about following Liver flush after Master Cleanser
I am on Day 10 of
The Master Cleanser (MC), I hope to go at least another four days maybe more.
I have never done a liver/gallbladder flush and think this might be a good time.
Has anyone else followed the
Master-Cleanse with a liver flush? or done a
Liver Flush in the middle of the MC? If so do you have any recommendations in regards to preparing for it? Someone just mentioned apple cider vinegar to break down the stones, is this something I should do?
Also, how do strain the stones or better yet, what do you use to strain the stones and where do you do, it in the tub?
Do I need to make sure that I rest the following day or will I be able to go about my normal routine the following day (there is a chance that I might have to do the flush on Sunday.) I would love to hear other experiences regarding the day after the flush.
Lastly, the soonest I could get a
colonic is for the following Wednesday after the Saturday that I plan on doing the flush... will that be sufficient?
Sorry for all the questions I am little nervous, but definitely looking forward to it, and I want to make sure I get the most out of it.