Re: Charts showing my average daily range of Diastolic readings.
Follows is my horrible hourly average Diastolic Blood Pressure chart for 1999. The non-dipping nature of my Blood Pressure was quite obvious during 1999, but neither myself nor my doctors connected the pattern to a dysfunctional metabolism or Insulin Resistance and I kept getting worse. Not that I can really blame my doctors. I continued to drink beer and was on a very unhealthy diet. No one could tell me, back in 1999, that, all I had to do to greatly improve my health, and have a chance to survive Heart Failure, with a good quality of life, was to eat a healthy diet! I probably would not have listened. I did not want to change from a fun lifestyle and fun diet, to a healthy, restricted diet.
Believe it or not, I was feeling OK, except for during the evening hours, when my symptoms would get a lot worse. So, I wasn't panicking. Plus my Cardiologist was telling me that I was doing fine.
I kept experimenting with my meds, and kept looking for, and eliminating things (triggers) that would cause increases in my blood pressure. Through the elimination of triggers and changes to my meds, my blood pressure averages for 1999 were improved over 1998, but still bad. I did not really realize that I was slowly getting worse.
1999 Average Hourly Diastolic Blood Pressure
Hr ________70________80________90_______100
01 ___________________________________*
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Besides the non-dipping nature of the chart for 1999, does anyone else notice another obvious pattern? There is a basic pattern to the chart and an explanation for the pattern. Can anyone guess what was causing the obvious chart pattern?