It amazes me how so many are so quick to jump to HC's side. If this original post is a false claim, there are other folks who have disagreed with HC's protocol for treatment. If this original post is true, it is disgusting! One sure way to kill someone is to over tax their system especially when they're in ill health to begin with. While it seems that HC had some great energy in the alternative health arena she also seemed to pollute it with absurd and excessive treatments. While she did much good, she also did much harm. She brought up some good points and wasn't wrong on everything. But I probably wouldn't follow her advice for a treatment. I would check other sources. Did she get caught up in her own hype? Did she get lost in her own oblivion? Was she mentally ill? I don't know her. I'm just asking. Had I found my Mom missing all these teeth while being treated for cancer, HC would have had some big-time splaining to do.