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Re: Turmeric After Heart Attack, Surgery, safe to take?
MH 108 Views: 4,096
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Re: Turmeric After Heart Attack, Surgery, safe to take?

ginger is a simple herb, i have consumed it along with millions of others daily with zero ill results.....there is no problem with the herbs/foods.......

"if" the people take drugs, then they take drugs and their drugs are their problems...anyone wasting time talking about herbs, foods, etc...that the doped up people on drugs will have problems with; is basically all wasted space in can't believe anything such scientist or authors write...their only interest are to support the drug use.

there have been plenty of such idiots that have written you basically can't consume fresh foods, fruits and all sorts of vegetables because doing so will interfere with the drugs......making all such reading a 100% waste of time....not something to even talk about on this forum...needs to be moved to the medical drug forums.

for normal humans, they can consume all the turmeric and ginger they so desire..for the drug addicts, they need to consult their drug pushing doctors and live the way their doctors want them to and they can't eat this or that, then that is their choice when they decided to do drugs.

anyone wasting their time on such research is wasting their life away.



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