i have the problems i ask about 95% - %100 of the time and this is one of them
and i do not have much of anything that is why i do not say i have this or that
I will call from now on if i have question, are they very knowledgeable like you are?
You ask so many questions, but never say you have this or you have that or ever say you purchased this or that and tried this or that...so that is why your posting is getting old...........are you just wantng to learn or do you really have these problems, etc....If you have all the problems you have asked about, then your a special case that needs to START your program. Read Book I, Read the school of natural Healing and decide what your going to do. That is my best advice for you. Otherwise you could call Brenda or Jody and reveiw on the phone your questions. I don't work here, I just play here."