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Re: Yellow eyes - please help!
  Views: 2,194
Published: 21 y
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Re: Yellow eyes - please help!

again, a Liver Flush has no herbal products involved. none. you obviously have never done one, and don't understand it.

Lemon oil? its lemon juice used in the flush.... a plain fruit and certainly not an herb. and certainly ok for almost anyone...

food in the intestines? there isn't any. the flush is after a fast, and after Epsom Salts have cleared any remaining food particles out of the gi tract. above you said you did liver flushes, but the more you post the more obvious it is you are only here to try and scare people (a miserable failure though).

And, no one here advocates liverflushing to kids to lose weight... not sure what that point was relevant to.

you are free to have an opinion. this site is about individuals taking responsibility for their own health. no one is making anyone do anything. I came here of my own free will, like everyone else. And I am eternally grateful to the information posted here. I don't think I ever saw a post that "everyone" should do a liver flush. educate yourself and make your own decision.

you posts make it very obvious that you feel threatened by the open sharing of information, and taking self responsibility for health. Well, you are free to live and die by your doc's advice, I chose to live by my own instincts, thankfully so. You can rant and rave all you want, but this information is spreading quickly now, and people are taking back their health from the medical system which is really more interested in money. But if it suits you, you are free to remain in that system. but honestly, even that won't last much longer. the crushing weight of high drug/medical costs, growing chronic illness and high insurance costs will crush the system in less than a decade. From my perspective, that will be a positive event.

John g



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