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Re: TUNING IN: Spirit Channelers in America (Covers Law of Attraction, who am I? etc.)
Invincible Views: 5,958
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Re: TUNING IN: Spirit Channelers in America (Covers Law of Attraction, who am I? etc.)

As far as channeled information goes - yes, we are all channeling. The key is, what are people channeling?

When something comes from Love, it always resonates as truth to me. When channeled information comes from fear .. they are not channeling higher consiousness, but mass consciousness. There's a big difference.

Yes, of course no one needs a middle man - however, the channelers in this movie are incredible. I have listened to and studied many of their works and they have lead the way to allow people to open up to what is possible within themselves. And they all say that we don't need them .. they all tell us that we can channel.

I do it quite often - we all do it. Not everyone does it through words .. sometimes when writing, sometimes when painting, making music etc .... source energy flows in many ways - in us, from us and through us.

As far as the term "Law of Attraction" goes, yes, perhaps it's been misused. "Like attracts like" is something more simple ... or "what you give out you get back".



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