If you read my earlier postings you would see what I am up to. ;-)
As far as illusion goes. Anything as an experiential grid over top of infinite potential is within the frame work of illusion. However illusion is a kind of misnomer because it is a way to carve experience which, through awareness of these "illusionary" templates feels very real. Even notions of "truth" and "illusion" are interference patterns that carve out experience.
You are using a template in your analysis of me within your post. This template is one that attempts too fit me into your ideal of what spiritual people should look like. It's okay. We all do this. If we didn't there would be no story. Separation is the story. Aspects of separation make up the elements within the story's framework and without it, there is NO experience. These filters are the illusion and that is what makes the experience of the story possible.
There are 2 aspects. 1)The illusion and all its layers. 2)The feild of infinite potential where all this arises from.
People are deluded when they think they have to attain anything. You can play within the game framework. Or go back to source. There are many points in between. There is no level of spiritual heirarchy in any of this. You either play in the story and create within the story context or rest as that which is your source.
Your view of how a spiritual person should behave is actually amusing when one realizes that we are all spiritual in essence. It is a just a story. No gauge of how one should be.
My participation here in this forum is nothing more than a romp in the park.
The irony in the diatribe you laid out when redirected back to, applied to yourself, becomes even funnier considering your given intent.
In other words you are "guilty" of what you are trying to communicate through your admonishment.
Isn't the life matrix fun.
BTW, what is "being spiritual'?
My only spiritual template is infinite potential. All things are welcome in that including your view point and ,what I perceive as braying (from my beloved donkey boy).
As far as trying to fit infinite potential to a lesser filter, it kind of shows where you are coming from. If in your evaluation of spirituality you require a "positive" (feel good) filter in a kind of spiritual teddy bear sensibility, then may I suggest a cuddly stuffed jesus. Hold it tightly and tell yourself that you have the truth.
Remember though that infinite potential swallows whole all truths. BURP!
Let me add..and read this over a few times.
I am not trying to be anything to anyone, not even myself. If you are trying to fit me into a particular mold and it isn't jiving for you then I suggest you deal with it in your mind.
Your attempt to fit the idea of infinite potential into the "cult" box was humorous as well.
*Perhaps the most important thing I can share with you is that I see the
Debate Forums as a mere word play forum. A romp of sensibilities. A dance. No matter what it appears, I can assure you that like the show Mash, when anyone was in need, all this wordplay gets laid to the side and the "deeper" essence kicks in.