Starting natural healing - help, please
Can someone please help me with starting this protocol, or direct me to helpful info? I would like to get some of the herbal formulations, and don't know which ones to start with for ~ 30 days.
Some history - Had a long list of diagnoses for > 10 yrs, boiled down to: Chronic fatigue syndrome, much improved over last couple years, and am currently mostly major symptom-free. However, I feel a general sense of toxic-ness, and have recently found I also have high triglycerides, high cortisol, am overweight, and perimenopausal. Long history of hypothyroid issues. Lots of above-the waist weight gain. Liver is really sluggish, and an u/s awhile back showed fatty liver. Also high on mercury urine test.
Past efforts include - c. enemas, liver flushing, and
juicing in the past, but pretty intermittent. Have also taken iodine, and done pH balancing, which were a big help.
I would appreciate any helpful starting info, or direction to the appropriate areas to look.