Tony Isaacs
16 y
Status: R [Message
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The New Anvirzel (oleander medicine) Website
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Hi folks,
Just letting you know the location of the website of Nerium Biotechnoly. the company which was spun off Pheonix Biotech and which continues with research on the oleander based patented medicine Aniverzel and other oleander based medicines and products.
I note that they have developed two new products, one for Hep-C and the other for Herpes, and are in the process of developing a skin cream for topical cancers and other skin conditions. They also are the owners now of the Salud Integral clinic in Honduras, from where Anvirzel is now distributed worldwide.
The news about an oleander product for Herpes caught me by surprise. Also, as regard oleander based skin creams, I note that Naturopathic PhD Marc Swanepoel (who developed the Sutherlandia OPC and Rose Laurel OPC Plus supplements) is currently working on his own oleander based skin cream. Stay tuned!
All the best,