Hydrogen Peroxide + Silver Colloid = caustic explosive.
If you have access to concentrated forms of Hydrogen Peroxide and make Silver Colloid in said Hydrogen Peroxide, you may make a mix that either 1. eats a hole through your skin, or 2. ignites or explodes, or 3. all of the above. Silver enhances the oxidation process, like platinum in your engine's catalyic converter enhances combustion. Combustion can start slowly like the spontaneous combustion of linseed oil on rags in an enclosed area; or things combust rapidly, as an explosion. God help us.
Silver Colloid has a negative charge, as do all so-called "colloidal minerals" which is why they shouldn't be used as nutritional supplements as they are slightly irritating to the cells and usually culled from the scum in Utah that has toxic heavy metals like nickel and vanadium. Use "phyto-minerals" that are bio-available plant products, or take kelp, seaweed. Pure, unadulterated silver colloid will be excreted from the system in about three days, will it not? "Colloidal mineral" supplements will lodge in tissue and cause untold damage. Beware of multi-vitamins & minerals like CENTRUM that contain nickel and vanadium; and those multi-level marketing elixers of "colloidal minerals" that will rot your gut. Lord have mercy.