Helpful sites and Helpful cures for BB and BO
For those who are new to the forum this site mentions reasons for BO,symptoms and cures for Bo. Some of these cures have been used by people in this forum and have proven to be benefical. Not all things work for everyone. But taking things like B5 for fecal body odors or B-Complex which has B5 in it has helped some. Someone mentioned that they had stopped taking just plain B5 for FBO because they were starting to lose their hair so it may be better to take the B-Complex or take it along with another form of B vitamin or a multiple vitamin, instead of just plain B5 by itself, or taking just enough, unless you are already bald. I was told by someone that B viamins should be taken with one another for balance, and that taking just one form of vitamin B was not good, but I guess we can all do our own research, at the time I was only taking B6. But remember it is good to get to the root of the problem too. But please do your research and just don't start taking just anything to be healed. There are others cures which may be due to having a hydrochloric defiency. Other cures may be due to digestive issues. Taking probiotics have helped some, digestive enzymes ect...Scroll down to digestive system at And see if some of these symptoms may be similar or exactly what some of you are going through. And don't forget to see a doctor because they do play a role in most of us getting better, whether or not they are able to diagnose your symptoms, God bless!
If you think you may have a problem with hydrochloric acid imbalance this is just some information. Also they said if you take a spoonful of Applecider vinegar before meals and this helps your symptoms you could have deficiency of acid becausem this also causes acid reflux and other problems. But if it makes your acid reflux worse you could have too much acid in your stomach.