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Re: Detailed directions on sprouting almonds, please!
leapinlizard Views: 21,369
Published: 16 y
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Re: Detailed directions on sprouting almonds, please!

It is true that truly raw almonds are outlawed, but there is a loophole in California. It requires you to purchase 100 pounds directly from the farmer, but those almonds can be truly raw. I know of a co-op here in my state and I go through them to order the 100 pounds directly from the farmer. I have to find lots of friends to buy bags of almonds from me (I divide them up into $10.00 bundles) but it is worth it! I think you can do a search for GreenSmoothieGirl to find the name of the co op that I go through, but you might find one locally, or ask your local health food store if they know of a way to do it. I know GreenSmoothieGirl has sold them for $3.00 per pound for the last two years, which is an amazing deal. Since I am local I don't have to pay shipping, so it has been wonderful. I just store them in my freezer and they last forever. Good luck!


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