Stroke: Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
Stroke: Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
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Strokes first got my attention back in 1982. I was watching a Richard Pryor movie called "Some Kind of Hero" and Richard's character's mom had suffered a stroke and couldn't talk anymore. Next to paralysis, stroke was a medical condition that greatly horrified me. However, this was back in 1982 and I was only 12 years of age and was totally in the dark about health, healing, and cures.
I would witness the effects of a stroke second-handly as my beloved mother suffered a stroke during her life-costing episode with pancreatic cancer back in early 1999.
I was angry during this period of my mother's cancer because I later found out that my mother was on the floor for a while after suffering her stroke and my brother's wife was clueless as to what to do. However, I must admit that it was my mother's choice to live with my older brother and his wife who were absolutely oblivious to health and healing, instead of living with myself and my wife who were very much knowledgeable in regards to health and healing, though we were every embryonic in our development.
Because hate is such a powerful word, I have totally removed it from my vocabulary; however, there is one thing I will always use the word "hate" for and that is IGNORANCE! I despise ignorance! Ignorance is a choice today, especially if you reside in the United States of America. There is no excuse whatsoever to live in America and be ignorant simultaneously.
There is no disease more insidious than ignorance and ignorance is what I witnessed with my family. My family's ignorance of cancer and stroke infuriated me. My mother suffered more than she had to due to ignorance. However, that is the past and I let the past go. However, I learned something from my mother's stroke. Her stroke served as the catalyst for me researching natural cures and remedies for stroke sufferers and I ended up creating a powerful and effective natural remedy in the form of an herbal concoction which I call "Cerebral-Vascular Formula" which I officially created and introduced in 2001.
Before I go any further, I will define what a stroke is in medical terminology.
In medical language, a stroke is referred to as "Cerebrovascular Accident" (CVA).
Cerebrovascular accident is defined as: "An abnormal condition of the blood vessels of the brain characterized by occlusion by an embolus or cerebrovascular hemorrhage, resulting in ischemia of the brain tissues normally perfused by the damaged vessels. The sequelae of a cerebrovascular accident depend on the location and extent of ischemia. Paralysis, weakness, speech defect, aphasia, or death may occur. Symptoms remit somewhat after the first few days as brain swelling subsides. Physical therapy and speech therapy may restore mush lost function." SOURCE: Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition (1990), pg. 228
In my personal research, I discovered and learned that strokes are primarily caused by lack or starvation of oxygen (medially called "ischemia") to the brain and lack of oxygen to the brain was generally caused by arterial obstruction due to insalubrious diet and lifestyle. Because stroke involved the buildup of deposits which caused thickening and hardening of the artery walls, stroke was in the family of arteriosclerosis.
The greatest dietary culprit in stroke causation was meat and dairy products. These insalubrious products resulted in excess production of mucus, plaque, and other hardened substances that obstruct arterial blood flow throughout the body in general, the brain in particular and resulting in ischemia.
Lack of blood flow and/or starvation of blood will undoubtedly lead to lack of oxygen to the brain. The toxins and obstructions in the blood take up available room for oxygen and vital life essence (chi). When oxygen is cut off at the blood-brain barrier, stroke is the result.
Because oxygen is the primary fuel for the brain, lack of it to the brain will seriously impair the brain (command center) resulting in neurological damage which is where the paralysis and speech defects come into play.
Pharmaceutical grade birth control pills cause stroke due to the fact that they cause the formation of blood clots in a female's body and blood clots just like mucus, plaque, and other accumulated debris can cut off oxygen to the brain.
Metaphysically, strokes denote a feeling of (1) being cut off from your source, (2) constantly feeling trapped in between walls or barriers (a rock and a hard place), (3) feeling like you are not able to persevere through life's (actually 'society's') challenges, (4) feeling stagnant in life and unable to move forward, (5) feeling like giving up in regards to life, (6) Resistance, and (7) rejection of life.
Healing from a stroke naturally
The greatest single herb you can take for prevention or remedy of a stroke is "Periwinkle." Periwinkle, botanically known as "vinca major," is a plant that naturally improves the blood flow to the brain area. It helps to arrest all excess bleeding disorders and is useful for hemorrhaging, excess menstrual flow, nosebleed, bleeding gums, and all other bleeding disorders. Contrary to the disinformation put out on this herb (by non-herbalists, of course), it is 100% safe and very effective. No pharmaceutical drug can come close to this herb in preventing or remedying a stroke. In fact, many if not most pharmaceutical drugs play a role in the causation of stroke, especially drug-thinning drugs such as aspirin and the notorious Cumadin (which is fatal and should be banned).
Other beneficial herbs for stroke prevention and remedy include: Cayenne, Ginger, Cinnamon, Butcher's Broom, Gotu Kola, Cranesbill, Goldenseal Root, Manjistha, Holy (Blessed) Thistle, Gingko Biloba, and Mullein Leaf.
All circulatory enhancing herbs will help prevent or remedy a stroke. Stroke is categorically a circulatory disease.
Calcium is very important in rectifying all circulatory diseases and disorders including stroke. Because calcium is the most alkaline mineral in the mineral family, it helps to counteract acidity and bust up accumulated debris that stick to the arterial walls and thus open up clogged and obstructed arteries. Natural calcium-rich herbs include: Comfrey Root, Oatstraw, Horsetail, and Alfalfa.
Liquid oxygen drops are very helpful in stroke prevention and remedy as a liquid oxygen solution will greatly increase oxygen in the body. Because of this reason, I refer to liquid oxygen as supplemental oxygen. For post-stroke prevention purposes, a stroke sufferer should add 25-30 drops of liquid oxygen to each glass of drinking water.
Magnet therapy is very beneficial for stroke recovery. Magnets enhance circulation by causing minerals to spin in the blood and thus causing friction (heat) which causes blood vessels and arteries to dilate which improves and enhances circulation and thus blood, oxygen, and mineral flow.
The crystal Melanite, a variation of Garnet, is very helpful for stroke recovery. It can be used for elixir purpose or can be applied to the forehead.
Without a doubt, the diet and lifestyle must be greatly modified. The worst things you can eat are meat and dairy products (both derived from slaughtered animals simply for profit). Watch the movie "Fast Food Nation: The Movie." It shows the ugly side of meat production for fast food burger purposes.
A vegan diet and/or raw foods diet is best for healing and optimal health purposes.
Vegetable juices will greatly help to remove accumulated arterial plaque and debris in the body. Our Full Body Detox Companion lists many great vegetable juice cocktail recipes and herbal tea recipes that are conducive to health and healing. Juice plenty of green vegetables like Celery, Parsley, and Spinach.
Think about performing yoga or deep breathing exercises. These techniques will undoubtedly help improve blood and oxygen flow in the body as well as improve the circulation of "chi" in the body.
Dherbs.Com products that can help you prevent or remedy a stroke include: Cerebral-Vascular Formula, Circul-Aid Formula, Cardio-Vascular Formula, Blood & Lymphatic Formula, Vitamin C Formula, Brain Tuner, and the Full Body Detox.
With the correct or proper knowledge and tools, you can most definitely successfully bounce back from a stroke and reclaim your health and vitality.
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
Additional articles by Djehuty available @