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Re: Kidneys hurt

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Kidney Stones Remedy
Hulda Clark Cleanses

fungihomeworld Views: 3,979
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Re: Kidneys hurt

My lowerback aches..I assume kidneys are unhappy..but then I have been observing millions of near microscopic fungals
being flushed into the urine for the last three months. not all are "near microscopic" the beginning of using herbal antifungals, some were 30-40 mm
long. Loch Mess monsters. But of late, most are
tiny. Unless I up the herbals [garlic/pau'darco/oil of
oregano, Black-Walnut ,]..then bigger fungal rhizoids
tend to kick loose..along with tiny bits [1-2mm] of
stuff that look like they might be organ tissue under the
microscope. Little fungal tangles these days ...different colors..cruising dangerously close to the Shoals of Morgellons..// Would be surprise if there were'nt bits of
kidney being torn lose, what with all the fungals chewing
on it. Will be checking in with doctors..again..for some
strategy assistance in getting the candida blown out of the
blood doubt they will insist on some fluconazole..or worse. Been trying to avoid that..but
the "nature boy"/herbal route has been given three months
with no sign of improvement. Urine full of yeasty bits
as well..looks just like the yeasty bits that I find
between my aft cheeks..[they get blown there by flatulence..and then they hatch out rhizoids..the white
fungals from heck.// just to make the game more interesting, have pulled 4 tiny, dark, cubic stones from the urine...really *coff* "wee" ones..about a mm square.
Only significant change in "meds" have been starting the
Caproyl, Bentonite and Psyllium purging...started two weeks
ago. Maybe the capryllic acid/lauric acid..or the volcanic
clay is being handled poorly and generating the stones.
*shrug* Will keep a weather eye on the waters the pH low.
Can't see backing off on a first line candida slayer..but
it the stones persist or grow...may have to change tactics. any rate..will be checking with the docs to see what
their plan is for getting the fungus out of the blood..i have been taking it's mugshot in the microscope for three
months..and i am sooo tired of the massive skin eruptions of fungus when I tick them off with the herbals. running out of skin, patience and betadine...
[ i never would have believed that fungus can swarm out of the a swarm..but i've seen it several times now.]
sucks. go to sleep..wake up with a 5x5 section of arm/leg
covered in HUNDREDS of blisters..all trying to hatch out
fungus hairs. Light 'em up with a blacklight..see them glow and grow. Three different azole based antifungals do nothing to them..they swim in the stuff without ill effect.
Leave them alone, and they melt the skin with their metabolic wastes, making gooey craters..that just get bigger. Have a 5x7 mm crater on right leg covered over with Crystal Violet [huckers stain]..old school remedy, but the betadine/providone only slows the fungus..need something that KILLS it. NOW.

...long note..but someone is REALLY TICKED OFF..and so
very, very tired. They are winning. The trajectory of this event must change it has a bad ending.
...bath time now..then scraping the skin. again. with knives and razor blades. [medieval, but the ONLY thing that
has successfully removed fungus from skin.].
...i so enjoy the tingle of peroxide and Iodine on raw bleeding flesh. every day.
[someone lies!]

....useful item number 34: ten in one test strips that
one dips into urine. quick check on leukocytes/ nitrites /urobilinogen/protein/pH/blood/specific gravity/ketone/bilirubin and glucose.

not much of a label on the apparently called "LG" "ten parameter urine reagent strips.
100 strips per bottle.
price was reasonable..IIRC around 20 dollars or so.


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