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what candida's symtoms in the eyes
trust2009 Views: 2,020
Published: 16 y

what candida's symtoms in the eyes

Can one here explain, beside having floaters, the others symtoms in the eyes? Have one tested candita possitive and wbat tested? Is this single cell candita called fungus and what about other fungus? Are these dedectable by test symtoms? the first time i was infected in the eyes I did not even noticed and had no symtoms but after I took Antibiotics order by a doctor for other irritating part I have discovered a side effect in the eyes and then I remembered touching them with contaminatied hands. My doctor has tested for fungus in the eyes and it was negative but long time later another doctor said I have fungus on the other part. Please discribe what candida symtoms or signs or dischange etc. in the eye?Thank you people and I pray for you.


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