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Low Blood Cell Count

Low Blood Cell Count

by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
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Blood cells are "any one of the formed elements of the blood, including red cells (erythrocytes), white cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Together they normally constitute about 50% of the total volume of the blood." Mosby's Medical dictionary, 3rd edition, p. 155

Now let's look a little deeper in each of these cells.

Erythrocyte. A bi-concave disk about 7 micrometers in diameter that contains hemoglobin confined within a lipoid membrane. The major cellular element of the circulating blood, its principal function is to transport oxygen. The number of cells per cubic millimeter of blood is usually maintained between 4.5 and 5.5 million in men and between 4.2 and 4.8 million in women. New erythrocytes are produced at a rate of slightly more than 1% a day; thus, a constant level is usually maintained. With acute blood loss, hemolytic anemia, or chronic oxygen deprivation, erythrocyte production may increase greatly. Erythrocytes originate in the marrow of the long bones. Maturation proceeds from a stem cell (promegaloblast) through the pronormoblast stage to the normoblast, the last stage before the mature adult cell develops. Kinds of erythrocyte include burr cell. Discocyte, macrocyte, meniscocyte, and spherocyte. Also called red blood cell, red cell, and red corpuscle. Ibid

Leukocyte. A white blood cell, one of the formed elements of the circulating blood system. There are 5 types of leukocytes, classified by the presence of or absence of granules in the cytoplasm of the cell. The agranulocytes are lymphocytes and monocytes. The granulocytes are neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils. White cells are able to squeeze through intracellular spaces by dispedesis and migrate to ameboid movements. Leukocytes are larger than erythrocytes, measuring 8 to 20 u in diameter. A cubic millimeter of normal blood usually contains 5,000 to 10,000 leukocytes. Among the most important functions of the leukocytes are phagocytosis of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, detoxification of toxic proteins that may result from allergic reactions and cellular injury, and the development of immunities. Also called leucocyte, white blood cell, and white corpuscle. Ibid

Platelet. The smallest of the cells in the blood. Platelets are disk-shaped and contain no hemoglobin. They are essential for the coagulation of blood. Normally between 200,000 and 300,000 platelets are found in 1 ml3 of blood. Ibid

Okay, now that we have looked at the 3 components that comprise our blood, let's deal with the issues of the blood cell count being unstable.

Our blood cells may increase or decrease and usually when this happens it is the effect of some disorder or pathology the body may be experiencing.

Red blood cells (erythrocytes) decrease when there is anemia but when the anemia becomes acute, red blood cell production greatly increases. This is the body intelligence working nobly on your behalf.

White blood cells (leukocytes) increase when foreign invaders are in the blood. Excessive production of white blood cells (leukocytes) may denote cancer (leukemia). And it is not the excess of white blood cells responsible for the cancer or other pathology, whatever it may be, but the particular agent making the white blood cells increase in production and proliferation. It is always an agent that is responsible for imbalance and ultimately, disease (though being technical, imbalance itself is disease).

The blood cells and platelets need to be stable and balanced for optimal health and wellbeing. Periodic cleansing is the key to blood cell balance!

Regardless of the cause of the blood cell imbalance (usually dietary related), the goal has to be to get the blood cells balanced. Diet-wise, nothing will cause imbalance of blood cells more than meat products, dairy products, refined starches and grains, refined sugar, and vices of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and drug consumption (legal as well as illegal drugs).

When your white blood cells are excessively low in count, you are more susceptible to infection than the average person. Excessively low white blood cell count may denote a bone marrow issue or problem or even what medical doctors dub "HIV", the alleged precursor to AIDS (which you should know by now that I do not believe in). But you will find the culprit being mucus (usually resulting from the diet) resulting from an acidic condition, and not necessarily the body's white blood cells.

However, it is normal for us to have a low white blood cell count. What we must understand about white blood cells is that they are what I call "martyr cells." That's right! White blood cells actually sacrifice themselves to save the red blood cells. This may sound very unorthodox, but it's factual. The red blood cells are the major cellular component of blood and that transports oxygen - the fuel of physical life, through our bodies, and this is why white blood cells defend the red blood cells by sacrificing themselves in order to protect the red blood cells. When there is a condition of high white blood cell count coupled with low red blood cell count, this spells trouble!

Normalizing Blood Cell Count

Blood is alive! Blood must be nourished and cleansed or purified and periodically. We build new blood every three months, therefore, in my opinion, it is ideal to work on the blood (rebuild, cleanse/purify) the blood every three months. This can be done via fasting and herbal detoxification such as Full Body Detox, 10-Day Supreme Blood Cleanse, and 10-Day Electric Greens Cell Food Cleanse.

Individual herbs that will cleanse, purify, nourish, build, and fortify the blood include Goldenseal Root, Echinacea Root, Oregon Grape, Bayberry, Barberry, Red Clover Tops (only a blood builder), Chickweed, Manjistha, Chaparral, Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock Root, Burdock Root, Amla Fruit, Cat's Claw, Pau D' Arco, Cerasee, Dandelion Root, Cleavers, Devil's Claw and Cayenne (capsicum) to name a few.

The best herb to rebuild red and white blood cell count is Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry. Red Clover Tops is also a great blood builder and nourisher. Amla is tops though!

Blood nourishers include Yellow Dock, Burdock Root, Red Clover Tops, Dandelion Root, Spinach Leaf, Parsley Leaf, Nettle, and Alfalfa. Yellow Dock, Burdock Root, and Dandelion Root are high in organic iron.

I highly recommend Blood and Lymphatic Formula, Electric Green Cells Food Formula, Vitamin C Formula (capsules and tea), and Iron Phosphate Formula for maintaining the health of the blood. You'll be fine with at least any two of the above formulas.

In addition to taking some kind of herbal compound, we must not forget about necessary changes to the diet. It is our diet primarily that pollutes, corrupts, and taint our blood. Our blood becomes thick and sticky due to all the mucus and pus that is by-produced from what we eat, especially meat, dairy products, refined grains, refined starches, refined Sugar and sweeteners, and other chemicals.

A vegan raw foods diet is best to heal all blood conditions. 75% raw foods coupled with 25% cooked food is the way to go!

Drinking vegetable juice containing greens (parsley, spinach, cilantro, celery, etc.) and beets greatly cleanse and rebuild the blood. A vegetable juice cocktail should and can be drunk daily.

Other beverages that will help heal the blood include wheat grass and barley grass. Actually, most green colored foods (plants) will benefit the blood.

In terms of cleansing and building the blood, think in terms of red and green colored foods. Consume plenty of them! Vegetables and fruits are alive whereas processed foods and beverages are dead!

You are not going to help the blood by drinking beer and other spirits, cocoa, coffee, milk, lattes, soda pop, etc. No, not at all!

The best water to drink to help cleanse and heal the blood is Alkaline Water followed by distilled water. Alkaline Water can be drank daily but distilled should only be drank during cleansing (including fasting).

Fasting is ideal in cleansing and healing the blood and therefore is greatly recommended.

One would be wise to change pharmaceutical drugs (medication) consumption for herbal consumption. Herbs harmonize with the biological makeup of humans. Drugs don't! It was herbs that were made for the service of man, for medicine, and for the healing of the nations - not man-made drugs!

In closing, instead of worrying about balancing the blood cells (i.e. raising low white blood cell count) think in terms of optimal blood health and well-being (which would include balancing the blood cells count). It is more wholistic in nature than isolated activities (exclusively focusing on balancing the blood cells count) that are linear in scope.

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra.

Additional articles by Djehuty are available @


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