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Harmful/Dangerous MMS Side Effects Part 2

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oceanman Views: 13,452
Published: 16 y

Harmful/Dangerous MMS Side Effects Part 2

Before beginning, I would like to thank all of the people who have taken the time to read and/or answer my post.

Well, it’s now been two days since I posted my “Harmful/Dangerous Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Side Effects” question on the Curezone Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Debate Forum. As of this writing, 79 debaters have read my post.

My question was very simple:

**“Do we have any confirmed cases of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement users getting hurt from taking MMS?”**

I was not asking if MMS “works.” I was not asking if MMS has really cured 75,000 malaria patients. I was not asking if MMS really cured someone’s acne. And certainly, I was not asking if Jim Humble is just a greedy quack selling snake oil. Those are different debates altogether.

I just wanted to know ONE-SIMPLE-THING: Do we have any real evidence of users getting HURT from taking this chemical orally? And when I say “hurt,” I mean emergency room hurt--not diarrhea, nausea, etc.

Interestingly, and actually unexpectedly for me, no one has actually come forward with any personal or documented cases of MMS-related injuries. No one.

The majority of posts that I have read in this thread by the anti-MMS people have been purely opinion-based. Perhaps “theoretical” would be the best word to describe their posts. Now, I admit that some of these opinions have been backed up with credible-sounding and interesting pseudo-scientific explanations (some quite good I might add) of their opinions; however they are opinions nonetheless. And I was not looking for your opinions--sorry. I was looking for EVIDENCE.

Sadly, there were even some participants from the anti-MMS camp who posted with a certain passion--like as if they had some sort of personal vendetta against the Humble/MMS following. I am not sure what these people are expecting to accomplish with these attacks, but I do respect everyone’s opinion--I just wish they could do it on the “I hate MMS/ Jim Humble” forum and not in answering my post.

What these opinion-posts missed was the whole point of my question. I am looking for anecdotally-based points of view. I want to hear stories--preferably first-hand ones--about people who have gotten hurt from MMS.

Now, I am not ignorant of the fact that just because no one has come forward on this forum with such anecdotes, then therefore no one in the entire world has ever been injured by MMS. I realize the tremendous limitations of the Curezone MMS Debate Forum. Therefore, any conclusions that I will draw will be made taking into consideration the inherent weaknesses of this forum (limited number of participants, limited time to gather answers, etc).

**I suppose that based on the responses I have received on this forum so far, there aren’t a plethora of people getting hurt from taking MMS--at least among the participants of this forum. And this conclusion parallels what I have found elsewhere on the Net.

I have not found even ONE first-hand, documented case described ANYWHERE on the Internet about anyone getting hurt from taking MMS (except for Mr. Nash’s wife perhaps--I would like more information about this case--specifically the autopsy report). I have seen detractor websites, websites that offer competing products that present negative opinions about MMS, etc. But I have not seen any specific cases that demonstrate that MMS really hurt somebody. If you know of one, please post the link here in this thread or you may contact me privately.

Also, I am currently searching LexusNexis for any lawsuits or case law involving MMS. I will post on this later.

My MMS journey continues…

Radiant health and great happiness to everyone,



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