Rehydrate 2 Tbsp of White Verbena and 1 Tbsp of Blue with 1.5 Tbsp of distilled water in a pint wide mouth mason jar with lid on for about 20 minutes.
Add 1 cup warmed and liquefied Coconut Oil, the alkaloid is not heat stable so just barely to body temperature will liquefy the Coconut Butter to Oil. Keep all that warm for 2 hrs, this will extract the amount of alkaloids that would take 28 days of alcohol extraction. The other bonus is that VCO is a
Tapeworm relaxer all by itself.
Get liquid "base" Malt (enzymes intact), from a beer making supply shop and add one tablespoon to mix then emulsify the whole mixture with whatever tool you got. I was thinking of using one of those stick blenders...
Take .5-1 tsp of mix at least 3x per day, it can take up to 7 days to get them all stoned. After that if you keep up dosing they will starve and let loose their segments all by themselves but that can take up to a year for some heavy infection, with a Rife machine you can speed that up dramatically and of course there is no way I know off yet to get Coenuri in brain and skin without rife, but for those not using Rife they can add Fenugreek seed and
Black-Walnut after the first week of taking the mix to kill heads without scolex and Coenuri.