Please help, appendicitis and lower-right abdominal pain...
New Medicine,
I've had a generalized pain in the area from below my lowest right rib, all the way down to next to my genitals on the right side, for a few years now. I may have first felt it when I lived with my emotionally abusive father for 4 years, but it's difficult to recall so long ago.
Then when I was 28 I went through a horribly emotionally abusive and traumatic marriage and divorce that involved some members of my religious community lying against me and making the experience even more traumatic. (that community was later disbanded over this issue, even though I did not complain) At that time, I felt the pain in the center of my dan tien and eventually it spread to where my appendix is.
The pain went away after I quickly got remarried (I remarried because she took the pain away), but that marriage lasted a year before I was regularly and seriously mistreated, and the appendix pain came back. I've had the pain for around 2 years now. Sometimes it can be felt more to where the appendix is and other times I can feel a general soreness from the ribs all the way down on the right side.
I've tried all sorts of remedies and therapies and nothing seemed to work, but recently I learned about the German New Medicine.
I'm not sure if I'm in the conflict active phase or the healing phase.
I am not certain if this is a gall-bladder problem along with appendicitis, or cancer, or just appendicitis. I have not heard of appendicitis being felt as far up as behind the right-rib, but gall-stones are felt there.
"If a resolution is found the patient becomes very tired, feels awful and my have pain fever and infections, bleeding may occur, but after he will have a good appetite. "
After learning of the German New Medicine, I meditated and put myself in my father's shoes and had a very cathartic experience. I had hoped that he was forgiven and the conflict resolved and was looking forward to some sort of physical crises (like the heart attack after the dog got his territory back). After the cathartic experience I had a bad, painful, swollen hemorrhoid pop out - almost out of no-where. It's been there for a few days now, but I have not experienced "feeling awful", having a "painful fever and infections", or "bleeding". However, my appetite is, as usual, very good, and I sleep great at night, as usual. The pain on the right side seems lessened, perhaps a lot. Also, I cannot explain why, but I feel sore on my lower-left abdominal side now. I sure hope I'm in the healing phase and the pain will completely and entirely be gone for good soon.
Is there a way to tell for certain what phase I'm in, other than an CAT scan of my head?
What external-worldly issue is associated with appendicitis, according to Hamer's findings? What's associated with the gall-bladder? What's associated with COPD, & Asperger's? I probably have them all.
Charkee, are you willing to work with me?
I am determined to find a solution.
Another question about the GNM is, if my hemorrhoid is part of a healing phase, would it interfere with the healing if I were to use IR heat or some other remedy to make the hemorrhoid go away?
Also, say, in someone else's scenario where the healing phase involved more dangerous fever-causing bacteria, would it interfere at all with the healing, if
Antibiotics or
Colloidal Silver or
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement or some other anti-bacterial was used to lower the bacteria-count?
best regards,