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Image Embedded Herpes Zoster or something similar
MsBoja Views: 27,394
Published: 16 y

Herpes Zoster or something similar

Hi HV I PM'd you a couple of months ago but you didn't respond. You probably didn't receive the message. Anyhow last summer I had a wicked rash outbreak on my body. My arm was covered some spots on my leg and was on one side of my body. I didn't have any of the other so called symptoms for shingles. Here is a picture of a shingles rash

My rash looked exactly like this. I had an unbearable itch, There was a deep tingling burning pain in my nerves and oozing everywhere but when all was said and done it didn't scar like I thought it would. I was unable to see a doctor because I don't have medical coverage right now. I did see a couple of small spots come up over this past year and I find that heat triggers it. (from the few times I've used the infrared sauna) Took some oil of oregano internally and next day disappeared. So my question here is avoid stress to prevent another outbreak? Is it true that the virus never actually leaves the body from stage 1(chicken pox)? Are the herbs you suggest for all viruses the same for shingles?

What are you thoughts on alopecia? I know it is an auto immune disease. Is working on your adrenals all you would recommend? Thank you much in advance.


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