Re: Update on iodine supplementation - Long
just for clarification, they are not mixed together, simply that both are supped every day.
magnascent is energized and has had the bond of the I2 molecule broken so that it is monoatomic. these single atoms of
Iodine are readily available to the body and thus are way more efficient and effective.
i tell people to take the magnascent in the AM on an empty stomach in distilled water. the
SSKI can be taken any time and in juice or something.
this decreases the need for I2 in two ways. first, much more
KI means that everywhere
KI is needed, I2 is not being reduced and robbed to that job. secondly, with the magnascent, even less I2 is needed because the single atoms are already available and at the ready. otherwise one of the atoms in I2 has to be reduced to a salt to free the other atom.
in other words, the system i am promoting is much more in tune with HUMAN supplementation instead of just adding chemicals to the body and hoping for the best.
Lugols was never designed to be a supplement. it was a means for working with
Iodine in chemistry.
Lugols is a reagent used in laboratories for staining and reagent purposes. it just happens to work very well for supplementing. but it is not the best.
SSKI 2% is better.
SSKI and magnascent is the best, hands down, bar none, dare anyone to prove otherwise. yes, even kelp. ESPECIALLY kelp. this aint the 1600s. the industrial age has destroyed everything. nothing has been left untouched.