Keep in mind there are at least two known biofilms from human parasites.
D.Immitis (Dog Heartworm) brings along Mycobacterium phlei while Ascaris brings along B.fragilis...
I'm waiting for the results of a hair analysis test, not so much for the heavy metals this time as much as for the minerals/nutritional stuff. Ridged fingernails was one of the things I checked off to have checked out, and the lady at the lab said they are checked with mineral imbalances. Linenup also told me a cause can be poor protein assimilation.
It's the lab that Wilson talks about that doesn't wash the hair. I'm curious to see what copper will show too.
I'm seeing both in this fingernail info- poor protein, indicating lack of enzymes/HCL-- or a deficiency in specific minerals, which is mainly what I'm checking for.
Calcium in particular, because of the high Lead already found, and because of the damage in the small intestines (villi) interfering with absorption too.