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could this be ic?
lilredangel Views: 2,365
Published: 16 y

could this be ic?

I have been experiencing pelvic pain for nearly 2 years and am wondering if my symptoms could be caused by ic I have a constant feeling of tenderness, pain and pressure in my lower abdomen, near my pubic bone, sometimes a bit higher and deep inside my pelvis. It is on the right side. When my bladder is full it feels very sore on the right side and sometimes when the pressure feeling is very bad it feels like I have a full bladder and i want to empty it even tho my bladder is empty. The pain feels like I have something ulcerated and swollen deep inside my pelvis.Sometimes it feels lke the pain deep inside my vagina, maybe my cervix.( i have had recent normal pap smear tests) It can really hurt to walk sometimes and feels like every movement is more pressure on whatever it is that hurts. I also get a very swollen tummy. The pain is often worse in the evening and after a big meal, also premenstrually it can worsen. I had a laparoscopy in july this year because endometriosis was in initially suspected but nothing abnormal was discovered. I have also seen a gastro who said maybe i have ibs although I have no bowel symptoms as such. Could this be ic? I dont have any pain or burning during urination and I'm not sure if the pain is actually my bladder or not. Does anyone else have similar symptoms? And is it possible for the pain to be on one side only with ic? I would be really grateful for any responses. I am at my wits end :(


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