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Re: Lumps in face/armpit/groin/anus
knows Views: 2,444
Published: 16 y
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Re: Lumps in face/armpit/groin/anus

Here's how it works:

It's NORMAL to be healthy.

The definition of health is: When all cells of the human body are performing their designed function.

The requirements for cellular health are:
1. Communication with the rest of the cells in the body.
2. A clean environment to live in.
3. Proper nutrition for fuel and regeneration.
4. Exercise - performance.

The application of the Natural Healing Paradigm guarantees the cellular requirements.

1. The body must be mechanically correct and neurologically sound for proper communication.
2. Cleansing regimes. Order of cleansing is: Colon, liver, lymph, blood, and cells.
3. Nutritional protocols.
4. Exercise to include lymphatic movement, and cerbral spinal movement.

I your case if you're having the lumps develop from the lymphatic backup your liver needs decongesting. To preceed the liver decongesting requires an antiparasite regime.

The medical way can't work because of number 2 above. The drugs polute the cellular environment.

The cellular environment needs to be cleaned and the liver is the organ that does that.

It's NORMAL to be healthy.

The above is right out of the text books and IS "The Natural Healing Paradigm", so get to work. Antiparasite program and liver decongestion.

Might want to look at my youtube presentation about all this. (The Paradigm Shift).



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