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Re: herbs for UTI
The best treatment for standard urinary tract infections is the herb uva ursi, or manzanita leaf if you can find it. Uva ursi contains 2 aglycones (hydroquinone bound to a sugar molecule). These aglycones remain intact until they reach the kidneys, then the aglycones are split releasing the antiseptic hydroquinones. The advantage here is that the antiseptic effect is specific to the urinary tract and will not kill the flora like antibiotics or herbs like goldenseal, which can lead to secondary infections. Manzanita is stronger containing 16 different aglycones, but it is not as readily available as uva ursi.
The hydroquinones in uva ursi work most effectively in an alkaline environment. So it is best to take the uva ursi with some calcium citrate or a small amount of baking soda to alkalinize the urine.
I prefer using the tea made from steeping 1 teaspoon of the cut leaves to a cup of hot water.
Cranberry is a common treatment for UTIs as well, but studies have found that the capsules are not very effective, and most of the cranberry juice on the market is cocktail, not pure cranberry juice. Look for pure cranberry juice, or cranberry juice liquid concentrate. You can also use blueberries or blueberry juice to achieve the same goal. Unlike uva ursi, which kills the infection, cranberry and blueberry work by preventing the adherence of bacteria to the bladder wall.
Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day and urinate frequently. One of the most common reasons for UTIs is not urinating frequently enough. Frequent urination flushes bacteria out of the urethra so it does not work its way up in to the bladder. For the same reason make sure to urinate immediately after intercourse. During intercourse bacteria can be pushed up in to the urethra.
The reason women are more prone to UTIs than men is because the urethra in women is shorter so there is less distance for the bacteria to travel to reach the bladder.