Did my first Liver Flush last night. Basic clark protocol.
Drank Epsom Salts and apple juice. 4 tablespoons in 3 cups juice. Then the ozonated olive oil and lemon juice shaken together, and chugged thru a straw. The straw helped a LOT!!!
I went to bed at 9:15 pm, and horked up a bit of saliva but fortunately the vast majority of the glop stayed down. I also had some very weird burps from the ozone.
Had the runs just from the Epsom Salts BEFORE the oil and juice.
Got up in the morning and went to the john several times and rested. Took a good nap from 12 noon to 2:30 that seemed to be very restful. Did not see any stones, but I feel better.
I think it's helping somehow.