Tons of anti-inflammatory - slippery elm which I love, and aloe straight from the leaf. These are healing. But with the amount of infection going on, I don't think they are doing the job.
A lot must be wiped out before. Lugol'sIodine - I have taken it and it is sooo disgusting. Right now, I take Grapefruit-Seed-Extract with mixed results. But as soon as I can go 3 days without, then I do my CDSA and I'll know EXACTLY what am dealing with.
Good luck with finding that job! Moi aussi, j'ai un PhD en philosophie... bouddhique. Je n'aime pas du tout le Québec, et si j'étais pas si malade, j'irais bien moi, à Taiwan. J'adore l'Asie où j'ai passé toute ma vie... dont Taiwan.
Anyways, you seem much healthier now than before I guess. Jogging and sports? My god I can't wait to be able to do that!