Re: When Will This Nightmare Be Over?????
Hi there
I guess if you suspect yeast/candida, you could just treat for it - both conventionally using antifungals like nystatin, flucanazole etc and altnerantively (ie using humaworm, perhaps humaworm candida cleanse too). speak to your dr but do you think you have much to lose?
i suspected candida earlier in the year and used diflucan; got quite a die off and felt dreadful. they say that if you treat it with jsut pharmaceutical anti fungals it can come back. i don't know if this is true for everyone. i do know that each time i took a flucanazole or took caprylic acid that the 'die off' eventually got less and less. perhaps my body got used to the meds, or perhaps candida did get killed off?
i read taht nystatin mainly works in the digestive tract but flucanazole travels all round the body so can treat systemic candida?
the protocol given to me by a dr turned nutritionist was 150mg flucanazole once a week for 3 weeks with a herbal anti fungal like caprylic acid (or pau darco say). perhaps for really bad infections you'd have to carry this on for more weeks.
for me caprylic acid caused very big die off too.
i have read that candida and parasites often co exist.
i don't know much about vanadium at all think it is linked to blood sugar but no idea really how, don't think it's very well researched (like molybdenum i think).
>Also, I forgot to mention my low body temp. I've had a low body temperature for along time. It usually runs around the low 97's. I've brought this up to my dr.'s and of course it didn't mean anything to them. It has even gotten in the 96's. Once I started taking the hydrocortisone it raised itself to 99. Now, as I type it's 98.4. So it does alot of fluctuating but atleast it's not stuck in the low 97's.
candida can apprently put our hormone analogues which interfere with our own hormones or block the receptors for our own hormones. i have low body temp too but it's gone up a bit since being on HC.
>I've had thyroid tests done and the dr. said they were fine. I even had some type of radioactive scan done to measure how my thyroid processes my thyroid hormones and the dr. said everything looked good. I've even went as far as trying some armour about a year and a half ago and had a bad experience with hyper symptoms and I left that alone.
it could be your adrenals taht are causing the problems - not allowing the thyroid hormone into the cells. Before the hydrocortisone did you do an adrenal saliva test? if so what did it say? some say that hydrocoritsone can encourage candida over growth so give that consideration -in the small dose that you're using it in, it should be ok?
> Iappreciate your input and please, if you have any other knowledge concerning anything I'm going through please let me know.
'The stress effect' book is quite interesting; it says how if there is inflammation in our gut that this can cause adrenal fatigue since the body has to produce cortisol to suppress it. this may all tie in with candida, parasites etc. can you borrow it from the library? if i can think of anything else i'll let you know
check this site out, it's got quite a lot of info on it about thyroid conditions and also candida:
hope this helps please post back or mail me if i can be of further help