Re: Zapper and tooth zapper
When I was 25 I was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. It showed up in an X Ray and my GP thought it was unusually big I did not understand it as a problem. He sent me to a specialist. It turned out the enlargement was caused by an ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) (hole in the heart causing a back flow shunt of blood between the two atrium. The left side of my heart had been working overtime ad grown to try and accommodate the backflow. The EKG tests etc showed that the shunt was serious and I needed surgery because of the hole.
I urge you to seek medical advice regarding your heart. I don't think zapping is the answer here. If your heart is big because it is overworking you need to get it fixed surgically. Get the tests done at least and see if there is any back flow of blood. If I had left the condition as it was I would have been very unhealthy by 35.
Well I'm now 46 and healthy (for the most part) I think Zappers are effective when used as directed either the
Hulda Clark e or Bob Beck protocols. There are a lot of people who vouch for one over the other but as this is our own cases of experimental health care (disease prevention) and pathogen clean out the decision is in your hands as to which protocol.
If the enlarged heart is caused by a pathogen (I'm not sure if this is possible) then the zapper should wipe out the bug from your blood. Magnetic pulsers will get rid of tissue based pathogens by use of induced micro current that should not cause the heart any harm.
I'm not sure of the
root canal treatment connection. Unsteady heart beats are distressing I know! Dental wise magnetic pulsing can cause mercury to leach out of fillings but only if you have used the pulser on your mouth and have
Amalgam fillings. (I believe the speaker in the tooth zapper works like a tiny localized magnetic pulser although I haven't heard of the machine before tonight)
Mercury can be cleared out of your body by taking Selenium which binds it and makes it removal from blood and tissue possible.
If your root treatment was to get rid of bugs then a pulser will do the trick in keeping them out. Just use it in moderation. Make sure you take the Selenium if you have any old
Amalgam fillings. (This is why the pulser is not recommended for use on the mouth)
I hope this helps but please seek medical advice about your heart and track down the cause scientifically.
best regards
Bill Hodge