Calcium Compound (calcium oxide/hydroxide)Prevents Osteoporosis-Related Fractures:
New Calcium Compound Prevents Osteoporosis-Related Fractures: Researchers Hail First-of-Its-Kind Data from ASBMR Meeting
PHOENIX, Oct. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Research presented today at the annual meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) concludes that a new calcium compound from Japan (calcium oxide/hydroxide) scientifically known as AAA Ca can prevent fractures in postmenopausal women. Other calcium forms have failed to show the ability to prevent fractures in peer-reviewed research.
The study, conducted and reported by Takuo Fujita, MD, director of the Osteoporosis Foundation in Japan, involved three groups of elderly (mean age = 80), hospitalized, osteoporotic women. One group received 900 mg/day of AAA Ca (marketed under the trade name AdvaCAL(TM)); a second group took 900 mg/day of calcium carbonate; a third received a placebo. All three groups received about 600 mg/day of additional calcium from food. None of the 58 patients underwent simultaneous drug or hormone therapies while under study.
After 27 months of study, the AdvaCAL calcium group reported zero fractures per 1,000 patient years. The calcium carbonate group reported 357 fractures per 1,000 patient years, while the placebo group recorded 500 fractures per 1,000 patient years.
"This data is almost too good to believe," comments Fujita, who is Director of the Japan Osteoporosis Institute. "I've studied most every calcium supplement and have published over 400 papers on this mineral. I've never seen one that prevented fractures this dramatically."
Dr. Fujita's study revealed even more good news for postmenopausal women. The incidence among the AdvaCAL group of cervical spondylosis, the compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots that often causes diminished height, deformity and back pain during aging, was significantly reduced. By measuring what's known as the lumbar vertebral body over the 27-month study period, Dr. Fujita found that only 22.2% of AdvaCAL users lost more than 20% of this measurement, as opposed to 36.4% among calcium carbonate users and 50% in the placebo group.
Today's research is a significant addition to an already-compelling dossier on AdvaCAL, a non-prescription, natural calcium supplement. Patented in the United States and Japan, AdvaCAL has been proven effective at building bone mineral density (BMD) in men and women of all ages. More than twelve published clinical studies support its position as the number-one bone-building calcium compound available today (
To see a reference copy only of the ASBMR abstract, which is under strict embargo until Sunday, October 14th, access
For more information on the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, go to
For more information on AAA Ca, marketed under the trade names AdvaCAL, AdvaCAL Ultra, 3A Calcium and 3A Calcium Ultra, contact LaneLabs at 800-526-3005, or visit them at