YOu nailed it exactly! My mom's best friend told my mom it might be the IUD and then passed the info. on to me. My response was REALLY?? i trust my OB-GYN and she said, "NO Side Effects." DID I ever learn a lesson. After that, I jumped online and found all of you! THinking to myself I'm not alone..., I'm not dying and don't have MS!
Thanks again to all the ladies with support and advice.
PS. I'm taking 6 Omega fish oil pills a day(three in am and 3 at PM) per recommended by my chiropractor. I've been out for two days and feel a litlte weakness in my right leg, No tingling thank god! I'm picking more up today! If you have tingling and weakness make sure you take Omegas..it might help you! :)))))