Results of 7th flush
I did my 7th flush yesterday/today. Out came about 80 small stones, with a few a little bigger, and many not counted very small ones (smaller than 2mm or 0.1 inch). In total it must have been about 10 grams (0.33 oz) that have come out.
My best result was my 6th flush with 15 grams (0.5 oz). In total in all my 7 flushes I suppose to have got rid of more or less 70 grams (2.33 oz). My doc explained me, that in a gallblader (I guess the ones, that get operated) 50 grams (1.66 oz) of stones are inside.
I met my doc especially to show him my stones of flush no 6 ( I have not been in treatment any more for nearly a year, but he always likes my reports of what I have found out). He found the idea of liver-stones and getting rid of them by means of
Liver Flush very exciting and told me, that in autopsies, he had sometimes seen something like that. That gave me the opportunity to ask him why pathologists did not make a big noise around these stones. Hs answer was very enlightening to me: He guessed, that these stones disintegrate after death and that they are only rarely found in autopsies.
That could be an explanation (among others), why the medical community doesn't accept the fact of liver-stones.
Since my first
Liver Flush I have lost 4 kg (9 lbs).
Each flush was different. After the first flush I didn't want to eat anything with fat any more for weeks (what helped in loosing weight too, of course) and I totally stopped goat milk (non pasteurised from the farmer), goat chees and sheep-milk-yoghurt. I have started with that again a couple of weeks ago
Today, after all the stones had come out, I rushed to the grocery store and bought goat milk (this one is pasteurised, unfortunatley) and sheep-yoghurt and besides that I ate quite a bit of goat cheese. Didn't do any harm to my digestion...
After the first
flush my liver felt sore. Today my liver feels fine.
Nevertheless, I hope I soon will be stone free. I know other things to do on weekends than liver-flushing! ;-)))))))