Re: Academic Freedom: Cornell agenda dictated by dairy industry?
A well-deserved RN for your original post Mouseclick.
Yes, I think we are all aware of the adverse influence of Corporate business either in politics or health, and if anyone truly believes that the drug-cartel and the food-industry only have our welfare at heart, then we would be misguided at best.
Professor Colin Campbell's research in the China Study and the conclusions he came to, along with the other researchers and organizations he worked with, strongly reflect the ideas and ideals of Dr Joel Fuhrman MD, and the philosophy of Natural Hygiene since its inception in the early to mid 1800's.
I agree with him: Nutrition is the total sum of its parts, and where every nutrient that is part of the plant-based diet you consume, acts synergistically in a "team-effort" to enhance robust and ideal health.
Few nutrients act in isolation, and one of the rare examples is Vitamin D3 and especially so in the winter months where supplementation is essential in the absence of sunlight.
Great posts.
Many thanks for sharing.