Re: Your FREE Colloidal Silver �Safe Dosage� Report
I use these smurfs and smurfettes to my advantage, milk them for what they're worth in educating people that THIS stuff is NOT what EIS/CS is. Turn a negative into a positive, I thank the media for that, they actually promote my educating people of what EIS/CS is NOT, and the media are too stupid to realise it in their quest for headlines, ratings and sales, they don't see that the joke is on each and every one of them who published such garbage, one day they'll wake up and see how they have been taken for the fools that they are.
Take any/every opportunity to turn the media information around on themselves...with FACTS, to which they have NONE, all they can produce is hype, misinformation and inuendo, all of which has NIL credibility, all they are doing is preaching to the ignorant and gullible, and by now they must be becoming a minority surely.