Re: question about parasite cleanse
Hi pioneer,
I appreciate the post :). I haven't started the humaworm cleanse. But let me simplify to make sure I know what to do..
barefoot dewormer in between cycles of humaworm....
I can eat normally....
about 1 to 2 weeks in do a liver flush at night but make sure not to eat 3 hours before flush.....
I've done dr. richard schulze's colon cleanse a few times and I have also done his liver cleanse....
I think I should do the parasite and liver flush now as I have never done it....
I've done dr. schulzes cleanses a couple of times...
To me it feels like the depression and anxiety is artificial like it is not who I really am......
That is why I have been on a quest of natural healing...
I do appreciate hearing your story it helps me to keep pushing forward :)