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Re: I'm Getting Emails Saying...
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Re: I'm Getting Emails Saying...

I don't think your sense of preparedness is far off at all. Having a means to escape the big cities in case of martial law is reasonable. I hear you have one hour to escape when that happens. I realize that food stores that are over a one month's supply can be confiscated in case of an emergency.
Finding people of like mind who want to live off the grid? Excellent idea. I've been looking for the very same thing for a while. That's one way to survive the mess that's coming and having your own garden, too, is the only way one is going to survive very well.
In the case that cities are shut off, your car's computer can be disengaged by police and you aren't going to go anywhere unless you have a car that doesn't have a computer to control what runs it.
I think most will find difficult changes are coming and they are not ready for such drastic changes in their lives. Their chances of survival will not be the the same as the ones who have prepared for this. Serious thoughts
for those who live in the U.S.A. or anywhere in the world, perhaps.


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