Re: Vaccine's mercury, aluminum, squalene, etc.
I am not worried. Ethyl mercury does not stay in the system long enough to cause the "mad hatter" syndrome associated with heavy metal poisoning of methyl mercury. There is a higher danger of getting mercury (methyl) poisoning from fish than vaccines.
This pdf article from the New England Journal of Medicine explains the difference much better than I can:
(I hope the above link works correctly. If not the title of the article is: "The Toxicology of Mercury — Current
Exposures and Clinical Manifestations" by Thomas W. Clarkson, Ph.D., Laszlo Magos, M.D., and Gary J. Myers, M.D.
If you have some studies that I can look at, please let me know.
The argument: "Mercury leads to bad decisions by a mass number of people which leads to social breakdown", is a the logical fallacy called "argument from adverse consequences".
Bureaucracies do just fine on their own making bad decisions (joke).
I wish I could say vaccines are 100% safe. But I cannot. If anyone says otherwise, they are not being truthful. Unfortunately, it boils down to numbers and risk assessment. Each day the risk of getting H1N1 flu is growing. The risk associated with adverse reactions to the vaccine is very small.