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Re: RIP Hulda Clark

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: RIP Hulda Clark

Someone asked me how I know she died from multiple myeloma cancer.

I'm just repeating what I read on her web page and on Wikipedia.


And her webpage

Multiple myeloma is often mistaken for "bone problems". I have a friend who had multiple myeloma and before she was diagnosed, she broke 1 bone in her body every week for almost a year. She was in bed and on morphine for over 6 months before they finally diagnosed her.

Anyway, it's unfortunate but true.

Her webpage said

As you probably know by now, Dr. Clark passed away September 3, 2009. She was 80 years old. There was a memorial dinner for her on September 26. It was very gratifying to hear so many heartwarming stories from Dr. Clark's family, friends, clients and business associates. They came from all over the world.

Dr. Clark helped many people get well, but she couldn't help herself. Her first symptom was excruciating pain in her arms. Pain medicines were ineffective. It would turn out she had deterioration in her neck vertebrae which was pinching those nerves. Her hands stopped functioning. It would turn out later she had carpal tunnel syndrome. So as soon as Dr. Clark knew there was something wrong, she physically could not use her Syncrometer techniques to investigate it because her hands and arms did not work well enough. Her health deterioration was a mystery.

Dr. Clark could see from her blood tests that she was anemic. She got a transfusion but was uncertain if the anemia was significant because she had occasional anemia all her life. She also saw reduced kidney function. She spent a lot of time trying to figure that out but unbeknownst to her, chasing that clue would not lead anywhere.

She stopped being able to walk without severe pain. Dr. Clark lived with months of severe hip pain before two hip replacement surgeries and three months of rehabilitation let her walk again. Dr. Clark lived with unrelenting nerve pain for over six months before finding a medication that worked. She suffered more than she should have because she wanted to solve her problems herself, even in the face of her severe physical limitations.

Dr. Clark was scheduled for a procedure to fix the vertebrae in her neck. While doing routine blood tests in preparation for the operation, high calcium levels were noted. The surgery was cancelled and the hypercalcemia was treated. Her doctors evaluated all of Dr. Clark's symptoms and decided multiple myeloma was the best explanation. That is a blood and bone cancer. No biopsy was performed, so it was not one hundred percent certain, but that didn't matter because the treatment would be the same in any case (monitor calcium and anemia).

Ironically, Dr. Clark documented helping a multiple myeloma sufferer in The Cure For All Advanced Cancers. Perhaps if she had known what to look for earlier she could have better helped herself. But it was too late. In her last few months, Dr. Clark was physically unable to function well. Her family took care of her and was with her when she died peacefully one evening.

Dr. Clark's greatest wish was for her discoveries to continue to help people. New Century Press continues to publish her books which contain so much good information. She would want you to read, and benefit, and stay healthy.



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