hair loss from malnutrition and chest pain caused by stupid diet, in need for good advices
Hi! This is my first posting in curezone, I hope this is teh right place to post I got really confused about the forum layot xD
HEre's my short story:
- my mom got
Breast Cancer so I strated researching and found out that food played a very importanto role... so I start to make changes to my diet and my mom diet... eventually (+/- 3 months ago I decided for a raw fod diet). Here's what I ate for this past 3 months:
- mangoes
- bananas
- honey
- kefir (but not every day)
- walnuts
- avocado (like once a week)
- peaches
- apple
- melon (frog skin)
- Broccoli
Only at lunch:
Fish: Usually some sardines and Brocolli, or other fishes like cod and tuna.
Vegetables soups
- beans
- potatoes
- white rice
- bread
- some carrots and beets occasionally
The reason why I think I've got malnutrition is because my hair began to fall, people used to comment on my hair because I had lots and was really strong, now I've lost like 30% or more of my hair (including pubic hair :( ). I'd say I'm loosing about 500 a day. In some places you can start to see my scalp trough the hair.
Also, I feel very tired, have trouble sleeping my friends commented that I'm having more trouble communicating complex idea and I seem to be hyperactive, irratable, some chest pain: I can feel my heart beating hard etc.
I also have seborreic dermathitis wich is not responding well to shampoo and I get skin flaking on eyebrowns, behind ears and around nose. Initially I thought that was the source of the hair loss but I don't have SD in my pubic hair.. I'm using a shampoo prescribed in the farmacy and apple cider vinegar.
If I pull it it comes out rather easily.
So like last week I went back to my old diet, eating meat etc.
I've read a lot about dr. shulze, not sure how to apply to my situation, I assume I'm in serious need for proteins and minerals not sure if
juicing would help. I've also read that too much insulin causes hair loss, wouldn't the sugars in the juice be bad?
Any ideas?
Almost forgot:
I'm a 22 year old male I'm 1.80 metres tall and weight 53-54 kg. My hair is black and a bit curled if that helps.
I've got an appoitment with my family doctor 4 weeks from now I'm thinking about asking him for some blood tests or something.
one more thing, I bought brewst yeast and mixed it with my kefir and in the next day my heart was beating really hard and it felt like if I had a dagger piercing trough my chest. I still haven't completly got over the chest pain not even with eft.