im proud to announce...
that im finnaly able to take the b&p without constipation!
i realize now that i've been mixing this potion the wrong way and even with the water i've been drinking it's not been dissolving properly inside me. i really question now the effectiveness of those doing the capsuses with psyllium, i hope you are drinking plenty of fluids!
here's what im doing:
before bed, on an empty stomach i mix in a margarita shaker one flat tablespoon of psyllium husk powder with 1 cup water with a squirt of lemon, a teaspoon of
Bentonite (so little cause im running out)and another teaspoon of liquid clorophyl with peppermint which i just had laying around. looked it up and it's beneficial to the colon!
down the hatch it goes, followed by another cup of water with lemon or some orange juice!
in the morning i can feel things move inside my intestines and upon having my coffee (me bad!) i run to the bathroom to pass a big healthy poop mixed with hole bunch of old gunk! longer is my body waiting 2 days to expell my last meal!
im so proud of myself :-D