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Question for RG
Matchmaker Views: 2,283
Published: 16 y

Question for RG


Is the Borellia a parasite or a bacteria or a virus? Same question for the Borellia Burgdorferi. Also, are they considered Parasites? Whatever they are, will the Humaworm kill them out? Have you ever heard of anyone having this and telling you that the Humaworm killed it out?

If a person is infected with this, then I think it would take several Humaworm cleanses to get rid of it, just like it did for me with my heavy infestation of parasites and candidia. And should they be on other prodicals along with the Humaworm cleanse?

Are they harder to kill out than other parasites if they are parasites?

If a person is heavily infected with this, then how many Humaworm cleanses would you think it would take, to start getting to and end of their infestation.

It took me two years to start coming to the end of mine, but it was not Borellia.

Just wondering, because I know someone that thinks that they might have it.



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