Re: No choice but to see a Doctor
It's subtle, it really is. They got folks thinking: "As long as I know what it is I'll be all right". Doesn't matter that they have absolutely no idea how to eliminate the problem. Used to be people wanted things fixed, not so anymore. Now they just want to know what's wrong, forgotten all about getting it fixed.
Besides, it doesn't really matter what they find wrong with you the drugs they use to treat it with won't work and will hasten your demise. Which they brag about "No cures, no cures, no cures".
I made the same mistake you're in the middle of making. Of course back then we simply didn't know. But I did the research, did the experimenting and discovered the exact protocol that works.
It's not that you're wasting away it's the bugs are active again. The ammonia from the bugs is stimulating the adrenals and you're loaded with adrenaline. Speed man, got you going way too fast. Eating your body up. Can't sleep either to get the rest you need. Not very much fun and very worrysome.
So get back on the bug killer and STAY ON IT. Minimum a year and probably every third day the rest of your life - Sorry.
Doesn't have to be DeWormer. Go with Clarks original formulas, or Humaworm, or "Clear". Don't stop this time.
Insurance will pay for the drugs but not the stuff that will get you healthy. Hmmmm, wonder why that is???
Google Dr. Andrw Moulden, Cytokine Storm and Squalene.
Going the medical route is a deadend when it comes to this stuff.
Spend your money wisely. Barefoots DeWormer and start flushing. You might want to get some of Standard Processes Protofood to get the protein you need.