comparaison: herbal delivery methods: water,oil,alc,vinegar,glycerine--ingestion inhalation absorbtion
im wondering about the effectiveness, BIOAVAILABILITY, and safety of using alcohol tinctures, herbal decoctions, essential oils, water extracts (distillation), and other delivery methods.
i understand there are many ways to deliver medicine so i was wondering if we could make a pro-con comparaison.
i understand water extracts will probably not remain as critical extracts for long, that is without
preservatives they will degrade, wheras alcohol tinctures or vinegar extractions may not.
but if made fresh and ingested fresh i would think water preparations are powerful enough... or even combination water/oil/ glycerine/alcohol extracts might be best, or maybe it would interfere with each other...or maye it depends what compounds are soluble in what and knowing what you want precisely???
i am sensitive to alcohol and vinegar, so maybe this is why i ask... i am not sure of their health benefit, or if they may be harmful (moreso alcohol than vinegar)..or maybe that is just an inconsequential small detail that i may not need to fret about, because their are natural alchols occuring in fruit? cheeses, chocolate? yogurt? is this true? and i seem fine with them
what about delivery methods, ingesting is the most popular...but i hear good things of suppositories (being able to bypass liver, skin poultices, baths, foot soaking, or even inhalation/vaporization, mouth absorbtion (capilaries or lymph glands?)...
what are opinions?!
im sure knowledgable people have important things to share...
thanks for the-- knowledge is power is livity with humility
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