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nonmoi Views: 5,840
Published: 16 y
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Hi Ladywear,

THanks for your kindness. I think it's meaningful if you have fought this for years and made progress when you supported your liver.

Could you tell me how?

I have to have a bit of antifungals. Otherwise my symptoms so skyrocket, its unbearable. I tried Pau d'Arco but it nauseates me. Now I use triphala - which is somewhat antifungal and also helps cleanse the liver - so the say.

But it will take forever.

As for tests, yeah, as you say, all conventional tests are normal. Organic acids, etc were done in Thailand a couple years ago. I didn't get alternative testing this time.

But being so sick, yes, how could tests show up normal? I guess if they were to push it a little further, they would find something, except here, in Canada, they are on a budget.



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